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Why Study in Canada?

Intro: Why Study in Canada?

Canada has become one of the most sought-after destinations for international students, and for good reason. The country offers a rich educational landscape, vibrant multicultural communities, and numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth. This comprehensive guide explores the top reasons why students from all over the world, including Nepal, choose to study in Canada.

Why Study in Canada?
Why Study in Canada?

1. World-Class Education System

Academic Excellence: Canadian universities and colleges are renowned for their high academic standards and rigorous quality controls. Degrees from Canadian institutions are recognized globally and are often considered equivalent to those from the United States, the United Kingdom, and other leading countries.

Diverse Programs: Canada offers a vast array of programs and courses across various disciplines. Whether you’re interested in engineering, business, arts, sciences, or humanities, you’ll find a program that suits your academic and career goals.

Research Opportunities: Canada is at the forefront of research and innovation. The country is home to many research-intensive universities where students can engage in cutting-edge research projects. From health sciences and technology to environmental studies and social sciences, students have numerous opportunities to contribute to groundbreaking discoveries.

Top-Ranked Institutions: Canada boasts several top-ranked universities, such as the University of Toronto, McGill University, and the University of British Columbia. These institutions consistently rank among the best in the world, attracting top faculty and students from around the globe.

2. Affordable Education

Lower Tuition Fees: Compared to countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, Canadian universities offer high-quality education at a more affordable cost. Tuition fees vary by program and institution, but on average, they are lower than in many other popular study destinations.

Financial Aid and Scholarships: Numerous scholarships, grants, and bursaries are available to international students. Canadian universities and government bodies offer a variety of financial aid options to help students manage their expenses. Scholarships are often based on academic merit, financial need, or specific fields of study.

Cost of Living: While the cost of living varies by city, many Canadian cities are relatively affordable compared to other major international education hubs. Students can find cost-effective accommodation, food, and transportation options.

3. Multicultural Environment

Diverse Population: Canada is known for its multiculturalism and inclusive society. With a large and diverse international student population, you will find a welcoming environment where people from different cultural backgrounds live and study together harmoniously.

Cultural Exchange: Studying in Canada provides an excellent opportunity for cultural exchange. You can learn about different cultures, traditions, and languages, broadening your global perspective and enhancing your personal growth.

Supportive Communities: Canadian universities and colleges offer numerous resources and support services for international students, including orientation programs, cultural clubs, and international student offices. These services help students adapt to their new environment and feel at home.

Also visit:

Study in Canada from Nepal in 2024

4. Safe and Peaceful Country

Low Crime Rates: Canada consistently ranks among the safest countries in the world. With low crime rates and a strong focus on community well-being, students can enjoy a secure and peaceful environment for their studies.

Political Stability: Canada is known for its stable political environment and strong rule of law. This stability contributes to a safe and predictable living and learning experience for international students.

Health and Wellness: Canada prioritizes health and wellness, offering excellent healthcare services. Many provinces provide health coverage to international students, ensuring access to necessary medical care.

5. Work Opportunities

On-Campus Work: International students in Canada are allowed to work on-campus without a work permit. This provides a great opportunity to gain work experience and earn money while studying.

Off-Campus Work: Students can also work off-campus for up to 20 hours per week during academic sessions and full-time during scheduled breaks. This flexibility allows students to support themselves financially and gain valuable work experience in their field of study.

Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP): After completing their studies, international students can apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit, which allows them to work in Canada for up to three years. This is a significant advantage for students looking to gain professional experience and potentially immigrate to Canada permanently.

6. Pathway to Permanent Residency

Canadian Experience Class (CEC): The Canadian Experience Class is an immigration program that allows international students who have graduated from a Canadian post-secondary institution and have work experience to apply for permanent residency.

Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP): Many provinces have their own immigration programs that are designed to retain international graduates. These programs provide additional pathways to permanent residency based on the needs of the province.

Express Entry: Canada’s Express Entry system allows international graduates with Canadian work experience to apply for permanent residency. This points-based system favors applicants with Canadian education and work experience, making it easier for international students to become permanent residents.

7. High Quality of Life

Beautiful Natural Landscapes: Canada is known for its stunning natural beauty, from the Rocky Mountains and the Great Lakes to picturesque national parks and vibrant cities. Students can enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, skiing, and sightseeing in some of the world’s most beautiful settings.

Modern Infrastructure: Canadian cities are known for their modern infrastructure, clean environments, and excellent public services. Whether you’re living in a bustling metropolis or a charming small town, you’ll have access to top-notch amenities and services.

Cultural and Recreational Activities: Canada offers a rich cultural scene with museums, theaters, music festivals, and sports events. There is always something to do, whether you’re interested in the arts, sports, or community events.

8. Language Learning Opportunities

Bilingual Country: Canada is a bilingual country with English and French as its official languages. This provides a unique opportunity for students to improve their language skills and become proficient in both languages.

Language Support Services: Many Canadian institutions offer language support services, including English and French language courses, to help international students improve their language proficiency and succeed academically.

Global Communication Skills: Studying in Canada enhances your global communication skills, making you more competitive in the international job market. Proficiency in English and French can open up additional career opportunities both in Canada and around the world.

Why Study in Canada?
Why Study in Canada?

9. Technological Advancements

Innovation and Research: Canada is a leader in technology and innovation. Students have the opportunity to study in cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and renewable energy. Canadian institutions collaborate with industry leaders, providing students with access to the latest technological advancements.

Digital Learning Resources: Canadian universities and colleges are well-equipped with digital learning resources, including online libraries, research databases, and virtual labs. These resources enhance the learning experience and provide students with the tools they need to succeed in their studies.

Industry Connections: Many Canadian institutions have strong connections with industry, offering students opportunities for internships, co-op programs, and networking with professionals. These connections can lead to valuable work experience and potential job offers after graduation.

10. Student-Friendly Policies

Supportive Academic Environment: Canadian institutions are known for their student-centered approach, focusing on providing a supportive academic environment. Professors and academic staff are approachable and willing to help students succeed.

Flexibility in Education: Many programs offer flexible study options, including part-time, online, and hybrid courses. This flexibility allows students to balance their studies with work and other commitments.

Student Services: Universities and colleges in Canada offer a wide range of student services, including academic advising, career counseling, mental health support, and recreational facilities. These services help students thrive both academically and personally.

11. Global Recognition

Internationally Recognized Degrees: Degrees from Canadian universities and colleges are recognized and respected worldwide. Graduates from Canadian institutions are sought after by employers and are well-prepared to compete in the global job market.

Alumni Success: Many graduates from Canadian institutions have gone on to achieve great success in their careers, both in Canada and internationally. The strong reputation of Canadian education can open doors to opportunities around the world.

Professional Accreditation: Many programs in Canada are accredited by professional organizations, ensuring that graduates meet the highest standards in their field. This accreditation enhances the credibility and value of a Canadian degree.

12. Diverse Study Options

Undergraduate Programs: Canada offers a wide range of undergraduate programs, including bachelor’s degrees, diplomas, and certificates. Students can choose from various fields of study and tailor their education to their interests and career goals.

Graduate Programs: Canadian universities offer numerous graduate programs, including master’s and doctoral degrees. These programs provide advanced knowledge and research opportunities in specialized areas of study.

Vocational and Technical Training: Canada also offers vocational and technical training programs that provide practical skills and hands-on experience in various trades and industries. These programs are designed to meet the needs of the job market and prepare students for immediate employment.

13. Access to International Networks

Global Partnerships: Many Canadian institutions have partnerships with universities and organizations around the world. These partnerships provide opportunities for exchange programs, joint research projects, and international collaborations.

Study Abroad Opportunities: Students in Canada have the opportunity to participate in study abroad programs and gain international experience. These programs allow students to study in different countries, learn new languages, and immerse themselves in different cultures.

Networking Events: Canadian universities and colleges often host networking events, conferences, and seminars that bring together students, alumni, and industry professionals. These events provide valuable opportunities for students to build connections and advance their careers.

14. Strong Economy and Job Market

Robust Economy: Canada has a strong and stable economy, providing numerous job opportunities for graduates. The country is known for its diverse industries, including technology, healthcare, finance, engineering, and natural resources.

High Employment Rates: Canada has a high employment rate for graduates, with many finding jobs in their field of study within months of graduation. The country’s strong job market is a significant advantage for international students seeking to start their careers.

Work-Life Balance: Canada is known for its emphasis on work-life balance. The country offers a high quality of life, with ample opportunities for leisure and recreation. This balance contributes to overall well-being and job satisfaction.

15. Personal Development and Growth

Independence and Self-Reliance: Studying in Canada provides an opportunity for personal development and growth. Living in a new country fosters independence, self-reliance, and adaptability, which are valuable life skills.

Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity: Exposure to different cultures and perspectives enhances cultural awareness and sensitivity. Students learn to appreciate diversity and develop a global mindset, which is essential in today’s interconnected world.

Confidence and Resilience: Overcoming the challenges of studying abroad builds confidence and resilience. Students learn to navigate new environments, solve problems, and adapt to changing circumstances, preparing them for future success.

16. Student-Friendly Cities

Toronto: As Canada’s largest city, Toronto offers a vibrant cultural scene, diverse population, and numerous educational institutions. It is a major hub for business, finance, arts, and technology, providing ample opportunities for students.

Vancouver: Known for its stunning natural beauty and mild climate, Vancouver is a popular destination for international students. The city offers a high quality of life, strong job market, and excellent educational institutions.

Montreal: Montreal is a bilingual city with a rich cultural heritage and a strong emphasis on education and research. It is home to several prestigious universities and offers a unique blend of North American and European influences.

Ottawa: As the capital city of Canada, Ottawa offers a blend of cultural, historical, and political significance. It is known for its high quality of life, safe environment, and top-notch educational institutions.

Quebec City: Quebec City is known for its rich history, charming architecture, and strong French influence. It offers a unique cultural experience and high-quality education, especially for students interested in French language and culture.

17. Inclusive and Welcoming Society

Cultural Diversity: Canada is known for its cultural diversity and inclusiveness. The country prides itself on being a mosaic of cultures, where people from different backgrounds coexist and contribute to the community.

Equality and Respect: Canada emphasizes equality and respect for all individuals, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or background. This commitment to inclusivity creates a welcoming environment for international students.

Supportive Policies: The Canadian government has policies in place to support international students, including access to healthcare, work opportunities, and pathways to permanent residency. These policies make Canada an attractive destination for students from around the world.

18. Advanced Technology and Innovation

Leading in Innovation: Canada is a global leader in innovation and technology. The country invests heavily in research and development, creating a dynamic environment for students in fields like engineering, computer science, and biotechnology.

State-of-the-Art Facilities: Canadian universities and colleges are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including advanced laboratories, research centers, and libraries. These resources provide students with the tools they need to excel in their studies.

Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Canada supports entrepreneurship and innovation, providing resources and funding for startups and new ventures. Students with entrepreneurial aspirations can take advantage of these opportunities to launch their own businesses.

19. Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly

Commitment to Sustainability: Canada is committed to sustainability and environmental conservation. The country implements policies and practices that promote renewable energy, reduce carbon emissions, and protect natural resources.

Green Campuses: Many Canadian universities and colleges have green campuses, incorporating sustainable practices in their operations. These institutions focus on reducing their environmental footprint and promoting eco-friendly initiatives.

Environmental Studies and Research: Canada offers numerous programs in environmental studies, ecology, and sustainable development. Students interested in these fields can engage in research and projects that contribute to environmental conservation.

20. Accessible Education

Inclusive Learning: Canadian institutions are committed to inclusive learning, providing support for students with disabilities and special needs. This includes accessible facilities, academic accommodations, and specialized services.

Open Access to Education: Canada promotes open access to education, ensuring that students from all backgrounds have the opportunity to pursue higher education. Financial aid, scholarships, and flexible learning options help make education accessible to all.

Lifelong Learning: Canada values lifelong learning and offers numerous opportunities for continuing education and professional development. Students can pursue additional certifications, diplomas, and courses to enhance their skills and knowledge throughout their careers.


Canada offers a unique combination of high-quality education, affordable costs, multicultural environment, and abundant opportunities for personal and professional growth. Whether you are looking for world-class academic programs, vibrant cultural experiences, or pathways to a successful career, studying in Canada provides an excellent foundation for achieving your goals. The country’s commitment to inclusivity, innovation, and sustainability further enhances the appeal of studying in Canada, making it a top choice for international students from Nepal and around the world.

Why Study in Canada?
Why Study in Canada?

FAQs on Why to Study in Canada from Nepal with Canada Study Center

1. Why should I choose Canada for higher education?

Canada is renowned for its high-quality education system, diverse programs, multicultural environment, and opportunities for personal and professional growth. Canadian degrees are globally recognized and respected.

2. What are the benefits of studying in Canada compared to other countries?

Canada offers affordable education, a high standard of living, multicultural communities, post-graduation work opportunities, and pathways to permanent residency, making it a top choice for international students.

3. How can Canada Study Center assist me in the application process?

Canada Study Center provides comprehensive services, including application guidance, visa assistance, scholarship information, pre-departure orientation, and post-arrival support to ensure a smooth transition to studying in Canada.

4. What are the primary intakes for Canadian universities?

The main intakes are Fall (September), Winter (January), and Summer (May), with Fall being the most popular and offering the widest range of programs.

5. How much does it cost to study in Canada?

Tuition fees vary by program and institution, but they generally range from CAD 7,000 to CAD 29,000 per year. Living expenses, including accommodation, food, transportation, and personal expenses, typically range from CAD 15,000 to CAD 31,000 annually.

6. Are there scholarships available for Nepalese students in Canada?

Yes, there are numerous scholarships, grants, and bursaries available from Canadian universities, government bodies, and private organizations to support Nepalese students.

7. What are the requirements for a student visa to Canada?

Requirements include a letter of acceptance from a Canadian institution, proof of sufficient funds, a valid passport, medical examination, police clearance, and a statement of purpose.

8. Can I work while studying in Canada?

Yes, international students can work up to 20 hours per week during academic sessions and full-time during scheduled breaks without a separate work permit.

9. What post-graduation work opportunities are available in Canada?

Graduates can apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), allowing them to work in Canada for up to three years, depending on the length of their study program.

10. How does studying in Canada help with permanent residency?

Canadian experience gained through education and work can significantly improve your chances of obtaining permanent residency through programs like the Canadian Experience Class and Provincial Nominee Programs.

11. What language proficiency tests are required for studying in Canada?

Most institutions require proof of English proficiency through tests like IELTS or TOEFL. Some programs may also require French proficiency if taught in French.

12. What types of accommodation are available for students in Canada?

Options include on-campus housing, off-campus apartments, shared accommodations, and homestays. Each option varies in cost and amenities.

13. How can I apply to Canadian universities?

Applications can be submitted online through the universities’ official websites. Canada Study Center can assist you with selecting institutions, preparing documents, and submitting applications.

14. What documents are needed for the application process?

Required documents typically include academic transcripts, English proficiency test scores, letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and a resume or CV.

15. What is the application timeline for Canadian universities?

Application deadlines vary by institution and program but generally fall between December and March for the Fall intake, June to September for the Winter intake, and October to February for the Summer intake.

16. How can Canada Study Center help me prepare for my student visa interview?

Canada Study Center offers mock interviews, guidance on common questions, and tips on presenting your case effectively to increase your chances of a successful visa interview.

17. What health insurance options are available for international students in Canada?

Health insurance is mandatory for international students. Some provinces offer health coverage, while others require private insurance. Canada Study Center can guide you on the best options based on your location.

18. What support services are available for international students in Canada?

Canadian institutions provide a range of support services, including academic advising, career counseling, mental health services, orientation programs, and international student offices.

19. What are the living expenses for students in Canada?

Living expenses vary by city but generally include accommodation (CAD 700-1,500 per month), food (CAD 200-400 per month), transportation (CAD 80-120 per month), and personal expenses (CAD 150-300 per month).

20. What are the most popular cities for Nepalese students in Canada?

Popular cities include Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa, and Calgary, each offering diverse cultural experiences, high-quality education, and various job opportunities.

21. How does Canada Study Center help with finding accommodation in Canada?

Canada Study Center assists students in finding suitable accommodation by providing information on options, helping with applications, and connecting students with housing services.

22. What are the cultural adjustment challenges for Nepalese students in Canada?

Challenges may include adapting to a new climate, understanding different social norms, overcoming language barriers, and managing homesickness. Canada Study Center provides resources and support to help students adjust.

23. How does the Canadian education system differ from the Nepalese system?

The Canadian system emphasizes critical thinking, research, and practical application, offering flexible learning paths and diverse program options. The Nepalese system is often more theory-based with a fixed curriculum.

24. What extracurricular opportunities are available for students in Canada?

Students can participate in various clubs, sports teams, volunteer organizations, and cultural events, enhancing their social life and gaining valuable skills and experiences.

25. How can I stay connected with my family while studying in Canada?

Technology makes it easy to stay in touch through video calls, social media, and messaging apps. Canada Study Center also offers tips on managing homesickness and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

26. What is the weather like in Canada, and how should I prepare?

Canada has diverse climates, with cold winters and warm summers. It’s essential to pack appropriate clothing, including winter coats, boots, and accessories. Canada Study Center provides guidance on adjusting to the weather.

27. How can I access healthcare services in Canada?

International students can access healthcare services through provincial health insurance or private insurance plans. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the healthcare facilities near your campus.

28. What networking opportunities are available for students in Canada?

Canadian institutions host numerous networking events, career fairs, and alumni meetups, providing opportunities to connect with industry professionals and build a strong professional network.

29. How does Canada Study Center assist with post-arrival support?

Canada Study Center offers post-arrival support, including airport pickup, orientation sessions, cultural adjustment workshops, and ongoing assistance with academic and personal issues.

30. How can I apply for internships or co-op programs in Canada?

Many Canadian programs include internships or co-op opportunities. Canada Study Center helps students identify and apply for these positions, providing guidance on resume writing, interview preparation, and professional development.

By partnering with Canada Study Center, Nepalese students can navigate the complexities of studying abroad with expert guidance and support, ensuring a successful and enriching educational experience in Canada.

For more info contact CSC office:-

Canada Study Center 

Office Location: 

659 Garden Walk Mississauga, ON, Canada 

Whatsapp/Viber: + 1 (416) 272-4274 

Email: canadiansc@live.ca

Scholarships in Canada For Nepalese Students: Canada For Higher Studies

Canada has become one of the most preferred destinations for higher education for students all over the world. Quality of education, presence of top colleges and universities, and affordable tuition fees are the major factors that attract students from all over the world to Canada. Despite the affordable fee structure, the Government of Canada, as well as various colleges and universities, provide various scholarships for Nepalese students in Canada.

So, in this blog, we will discuss why studies in Canada and types of scholarship for Nepalese students in Canada for higher studies.

Table of Contents

  1. Why Study in Canada
  2. Scholarship for Nepalese Students
  3. How to Apply for Scholarships in Canada?
  4. Top Scholarship For International Students In Canada For Higher Studies
    1. Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program
    2. Quebec Government Scholarships 
    3. Margaret McNamara Educational Grants for Women
    4. University of British Columbia’s International Leader of Tomorrow
    5. York University Global Leader of Tomorrow Scholarships
  5. Conclusion: Apply for Scholarship For Nepalese Students In Canada For Higher Studies
  6. FAQs on Apply for Scholarship in Canada for Higher Education

Why Study in Canada

Are you planning to study abroad in Canada? If yes, you’ve reached the right destination. Canada houses some of the best colleges and universities. The degrees obtained from these universities are highly recognized all over the world. So, studying in Canada and getting a degree from Canadian universities will enable you to get jobs anywhere in the world.

And the best part is, you can get these degrees at affordable fees. With a large number of colleges and universities in Canada, you can choose the one that best fits your interests and budget. However, the fee structure for international students is higher as compared to Canadian nationals. Canada is also preferred by students all over the world because of the affordable cost of living. With regard to expenses like accommodation, food, transportation, etc., Canada is considered to be the most affordable country for international students. 

Why Study in Canada

Canada also provides work permits to international students so that they can earn while they study to support their daily expenses. As an international student studying in Canada, you can work up to 20 hours per week during school terms and full-time (30 hours/week) during college/university vacation.  Similarly, students can also look for immigration options after completing their studies and having worked for certain years in Canada.

These factors must have increased your determination to study in Canada. Do you wish to study with a scholarship for Nepalese students in Canada? In the coming section, we will provide you details on scholarship for Nepalese students in Canada for higher studies.

Scholarship for Nepalese Students

Scholarship for Nepalese Students

The government of Canada and various colleges and universities in Canada provide various scholarships for Nepalese students in Canada for higher studies. Every year many Nepali students are granted scholarships by colleges and universities in Canada. However, you need to keep in mind that this scholarship in Canada for Nepalese students are granted on the basis of outstanding academic achievement. This scholarship funding for international students is highly competitive, limited, and provided mostly for the postgraduate level. The various scholarship programs in Canada include scholarship in Canada for bachelor, scholarship in Canada for masters, MBBS in Canada on scholarship, Ph.D. scholarship in Canada, and many more.

How to Apply for Scholarships in Canada?

While applying for scholarships, you need to check the eligibility criteria to understand if you qualify for the scholarship application. Also, the scholarship type and amount depend on individual institutions. You can also find various scholarship opportunities like a scholarship in Canada for bachelor’s, scholarship in Canada for masters, MBBS in Canada on scholarship, Ph.D. scholarship in Canada, etc.

How to Apply for Scholarships in Canada

The eligibility requirements and application package differs according to the type of scholarships. For example, some scholarships may require a personal essay and/or request references from past teachers or employers. Other scholarships for Nepalese students in Canada may be primarily offered based on academic performance, extracurricular achievements, or other creative skills. Here we’ll provide you information on top 5 scholarships available for international students in Canada for 2020/2021 along with how to apply for a scholarship for Nepalese students in Canada.

Top Scholarship For International Students In Canada For Higher Studies

The list of top scholarships opportunities specifically for Nepalese students in Canada for Higher Studies are:

  • Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program
  • Quebec Government Scholarships 
  • Margaret McNamara Educational Grants for Women
  • University of British Columbia’s International Leader of Tomorrow
  • York University Global Leader of Tomorrow Scholarships

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship for Nepalese Students in Canada

This is one of the most prestigious scholarships in Canada. With this scholarship program, the eligible students are granted with a scholarship worth $50,000 per year for three years. This scholarship is available to both Canadian and international Ph.D. students studying at Canadian universities. This scholarship program is available for Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada and foreign students pursuing a doctoral degree at eligible Canadian universities.

 In order to apply for this scholarship program, you must be nominated by the university at which you want to study. You cannot apply directly to the Vanier CGS program.

Quebec Government Scholarships 

Quebec Government Scholarships for Nepalese Students in Canada

The Quebec government also offers various types of grants and funding for Nepalese students in Canada. The Scholarship program has been encouraged to encourage international students in beginning or pursuing doctoral studies in Québec. This scholarship aims to provide financial support to leading international Ph.D. candidates in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering fields.

To be eligible for this scholarship program, you must specialize in areas like aerospace, information and communication technologies, health technologies, genomics, and nanotechnologies.

Related information Study Mechanical Engineering in Canada from Nepal

Margaret McNamara Educational Grants for Women

This scholarship is provided to female students from developing and middle-income countries who agree to return to or remain in their countries, or other developing countries, and work to improve the lives of women and/or children. This scholarship worth $15,000 is provided to numerous women every year.

University of British Columbia’s International Leader of Tomorrow

University of British-Columbia’s International Leader of Tomorrow

This scholarship is awarded to international students with excellent academic achievement, leadership skills, involvement in student affairs and community service, recognized achievement in performing arts, sports, debating or creative writing, or external academic competitions and examinations. The scholarship covers a student’s cost of tuition, fees and living costs, and financial aid options for Nepalese students studying in Canada.

Related information: Top Management Courses in Canada

York University Global Leader of Tomorrow Scholarships

York University Global Leader of Tomorrow Scholarships

The York University scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship that is granted to outstanding international students going in for undergraduate studies. The scholarship is worth CAD$20,000 for 4 years. With this scholarship, all you need now is to make up for other expenses such as living expenses.

Conclusion: Apply for Scholarship For Nepalese Students In Canada For Higher Studies

These are the top 5 scholarship programs in Canada for international students. Do refer to the link provided for full details on eligibility criteria and application process for scholarships for Nepalese students in Canada. If you are planning to study abroad in Canada and have queries regarding scholarship for Nepalese students in Canada, do contact the Canadian Study Center.

Related Inforamtion

FAQs on Apply for Scholarship in Canada for Higher Education

Is it easy to get scholarship in Canada for Nepalese Students?

Its not easy to say the least because, the scholarship is for international students so anybody from anywhere from around the world can apply for the scholarship. So, its highly competitive.

How do scholarship work in Canada?

The scholarship in Canada for International Students is based on meritocracy system.

How do I raise my chance of getting Scholarship for International Students in Canada?

You Can raise your chance of getting scholarships for International Students by:
– Raise your GPA and academic grading
– Raise your English Proficiency Test scores
– Upgrade your essay skills
– Raise your social points by participating in community services

Does the scholarship for International Students in Canada cover everything?

Yes and No. It depends on the type of scholarship either it is full scholarship or partial.

List of Top Scholarships in Canada for Nepalese Students In Canada

Canada has been the top choice for higher studies among international students. This has been due to the presence of top colleges and universities in Canada that follows that world-class education system. Canada welcomes students from all over the world from all diversity with open arms. If you want to know about Scholarship For Nepalese Students In Canada, then you are at the right place.

There are almost 100 universities in Canada, of which, some of the best ones include the University of Toronto, McGill University, University of British Columbia, Université de Montréal, and the University of Alberta. These universities are ranked among the top 100 in the world. There are many other universities in Canada for international students. These universities offer scholarship for Nepalese students in Canada.

Table of Contents

  1. Why Study in Canada?
  2. Scholarship For Nepalese Students In Canada
  3. Scholarship In Canada For Bachelor’s Degree
    1. H.Y Louie and Lohn Entrance Awards
    2. Quest University Scholarships
    3. UBC Vantage College Awards
  4. Scholarship for Nepalese Students in Canada For Master’s Degree
    1. York University’s VISTA Masters Scholarships
    2. Trent University’s International Global Citizen Scholarships and Awards
    3. Affiliated Fellowships at University of British Columbia, Canada
    4. The University of Winnipeg – President’s Scholarship for World Leaders
    5. University of Alberta Scholarships
  5. Top 5 Scholarship For Nepalese Students In Canada
  6. Conclusion: Scholarship For Nepalese Students In Canada For Better Education Opportunity
  7. FAQs on Scholarship For Nepalese Students In Canada For Better Education Opportunity

Why Study in Canada?

As an education hub in the world, Canada offers various reasons to study in Canada. Apart from top universities, affordable fees, and quality of life, there are many other reasons for your question on why study in Canada. Students are provided with various types of scholarship awards, grants, or bursaries to finance their education by the government of Canada and many post-secondary institutions. This attracts a large number of Nepali students who are choosing to study abroad in Canada for higher education and a better quality of life.

Some of the other major reasons why Nepali students choose education in Canada:

  • Canada is regarded as one of the safest places in the world for international students.
  • Students are provided with a wide variety of accommodation options.
  • Colleges and universities in Canada provide various scholarships to international students, including Nepali students.
  • International students work in Canada for 3 years after they have completed their studies in Canada.
  • The Government of Canada also provides immigration options to international students. With this, you can choose to work and live in Canada.

Scholarship For Nepalese Students In Canada

The scholarships provided by various colleges and universities in Canada to its international students is what makes Canada a top choice among international students. With these scholarship opportunities specifically for Nepalese students in Canada, students can focus more on their studies and less on earning their fees. The Government of Canada and various colleges and universities offer various types of scholarship programs to international students wishing to study in Canada. This makes student life in Canada much easier.

Irrespective of the types of scholarship, the major criteria for most scholarships is a good academic score.  Also, the amount of scholarship depends on the type of scholarship. Thus, one should note that getting a scholarship in Canada for Nepalese students is quite competitive and takes time.

Here we will introduce you to various scholarships in Canada for Nepalese students.

Scholarship In Canada For Bachelor’s Degree

If you are thinking of pursuing your Bachelor’s degree in a foreign country, then Canada is the best option for you. With 125 public and private universities, and over 3,000 Bachelor’s programs, Canada has been the most preferred destination among international students for their Bachelor’s degree.

Here are some of the most popular scholarships in Canada for a Bachelor’s degree:

  • H.Y Louie and Lohn Entrance Awards
  • Quest University Scholarships
  • UBC Vantage College Awards

H.Y Louie and Lohn Entrance Awards

Scholarship For Nepalese Students In Canada at Simon Fraser University

Sponsored by the Simon Fraser University, this scholarship is provided to international students who have financial challenges and have obtained admissions average of at least 80% for the faculty they have applied for.

Since the scholarship is hosted by Simon Fraser University, it is taken in Canada. This program offers scholarships for Nepalese students in Canada. While other international students are also eligible to apply for this scholarship. This is a partially funded scholarship that is worth $5,000 for a period of two terms.

Quest University Scholarships

Quest University

Sponsored by Quest University, this scholarship is provided to students who wish to pursue their graduate degree programs at Quest University. This scholarship is awarded to all eligible international students along with Nepalese students. Thus, students from all nationalities can submit applications.

This scholarship is available for Undergraduate degree programs in the field of any course of study at the university. This is also a partially funded scholarship worth $2000 to $10,000 yearly.

UBC Vantage College Awards

UBC Vantage College

The UBC Vantage College Awards is provided to students with financial challenges. However, to be eligible, the students should be nominated by any of the members of the school or community who wish to pursue studies in the Vantage One Program at UBC Vantage College.

Since this scholarship is hosted by The University of British Columbia, it is taken in Canada. This scholarship is available for Nepalese students in Canada as well all for students from other nationalities. This is a fully-funded scholarship that takes care of your tuition fees and all other costs.

Scholarship for Nepalese Students in Canada For Master’s Degree

Along with a Bachelor’s degree, Canada also offers various scholarship for Nepalese students in Canada for a Master’s degree. If you are looking for a scholarship in Canada for a Master’s.

Here we have a few most popular scholarship for Nepalese students in Canada for a Master’s degree.

  • York University’s VISTA Masters Scholarships
  • Trent University’s International Global Citizen Scholarships and Awards
  • Affiliated Fellowships at University of British Columbia, Canada
  • The University of Winnipeg – President’s Scholarship for World Leaders
  • University of Alberta Scholarships

York University’s VISTA Masters Scholarships

Scholarship For Nepalese Students In Canada at York University

If you are thinking of pursuing your Master’s degree at York University in Canada, you should definitely have a look at their VISTA Master’s degree scholarship program. This scholarship is provided to Nepalese students as well as to students from other nationalities. 

This scholarship is provided exclusively for Master’s degree programs in the field of selected courses at the university. This partially funded scholarship worth CAD 10,000 is provided on yearly basis for two years.

Trent University’s International Global Citizen Scholarships and Awards

scholarship for nepalese students in Canada at Trent University

This scholarship provided by Trent University is applicable for international students who wish to pursue graduate and postgraduate degree programs at Trent University. This scholarship is for Undergraduate and Master’s level programs in the field of any of the courses offered by the university.

Nepalese students as well as other international students in Canada are eligible to apply for this scholarship. This partially funded scholarship is worth $2,000 to $22,000 for each academic year.

Affiliated Fellowships at University of British Columbia, Canada

This is a special type of fellowship program that is awarded to international students who have obtained a minimum first-class standing of 80% or higher in each of the last two years of full-time study at the University of British Columbia.

This scholarship is awarded to students of all nationalities, including Nepalese students. This scholarship is available for Masters and Ph.D. degree programs in the field of Business Administration, Management, Engineering, and Pharmacy.

The University of Winnipeg – President’s Scholarship for World Leaders

The University of Winnipeg – President’s Scholarship for World Leaders is provided to international students entering any of the University’s divisions UndergraduateGraduateCollegiatePACE, or ELP for the first time. To be eligible for this scholarship program, the applicants must have a minimum 80% admission average or equivalent and must be involved in activities that demonstrate leadership.

This scholarship is work $5,000.

Eligibility Criteria for The University of Winnipeg – President’s Scholarship for World Leaders scholarship program:

  • Should be an international student
  • A minimum 80% admission average or equivalent
  • Entering the first year of any program
  • Demonstrate exceptional leadership qualities
  • Submit a complete admission application by the scholarship deadline date

University of Alberta Scholarships

This scholarship is provided by the University of Alberta for international students who wish to pursue Masters and Ph.D. degree programs in the field of all courses at the university.

Scholarship for Nepalese Students in Canada at University of Alberta

Internal students from all nationalities along with Nepalese can apply for this scholarship program. This is also a partially funded scholarship worth $17,000 for a year and non-instructional fees.

The University of Alberta scholarships are available in the form of:

  1. General UG Entrance Scholarships
  2. Athletics Scholarships
  3. Country-Specific Scholarships
  4. Sponsored Student Scholarships

Top 5 Scholarship For Nepalese Students In Canada

The top 5 Scholarships for Nepalese Students in Canada are:

  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship  
  • Quebec Provincial Government Scholarship
  • Ontario Trillium Scholarship
  • Global Affairs International Scholarship Opportunities for Non-Canadians
  • Humber International Entrance Scholarships 2020

If you are looking for a scholarship in Canada for Bachelor’s degree, you can get full details here. Similarly, if you are looking for a scholarship in Canada for Masters, click here. Many students also study MBBS in Canada on Scholarship. You can also find many Ph.D. scholarships in Canada.

Conclusion: Scholarship For Nepalese Students In Canada For Better Education Opportunity

Given the education in Canada, we at Canadian Study Center recommend you choose Canada for your higher studies. Our experienced staff and counselors will help you throughout the process to get admission to a college/university of your choice in Canada. We also help our students find travel and accommodation facilities in Canada and also learn about student life in Canada through our pre-departure orientation session.  Learn more about Canadian Study Center.

Explore more:

  1. Top 16 Colleges In Canada For Better Education Opportunities
  2. Study Computer Science In Canada
  3. Basic Canada PR Requirements Process

FAQs on Scholarship For Nepalese Students In Canada For Better Education Opportunity

Does a scholarship cover everything?

If the scholarship is full scholarship, then it covers tuition fee, food, logging and other expenses that incur within the University. Else of the scholarship is partial then it covers tuition fee partially.

What is the easiest way to win scholarship for International students for Canada?

To increase your chance of winning the Scholarship for International students in Canada you can do:
– Through research on the nature of scholarship and its criteria before applying for it.
– Contact Canadian Universities and Colleges for more in depth knowledge
– Apply for Scholarship based on your major
– Earn merit points by participating in community services
– Take advantage of employer scholarship
– Try applying for athletic scholarship

Do scholarship cover travel expenses?

Generally, the grant funds tuition, airfare, a living stipend, and health insurance, etc. Other expenses than that, the students have to pay by themselves.

Why Choose To Study In Canada For International Students?

Canada has been the No. 1 choice among the students willing to study, work, and live abroad. With this, Canada Study Center in Kathmandu has been assisting students from all over Nepal in their application process for studying in Canada. With its years of experience and team of experienced professionals, this educational consultancy in Nepal has been successful in getting the application to get admission to various colleges and universities in Canada. 

A country known as an educational hub for students, Canada attracts thousands of students from all over the world. Compared to universities in countries like the USA, UK, Australia, etc. universities in Canada provide the same level of quality education at very affordable college fees. Today, a growing number of Nepali students are choosing to study abroad in Canada from Nepal for higher education and quality of life. Studying in Canada not only provides you with quality education but also allows you to earn while you study in Canada.

Study In Canada For International Students

The majority of students studying in Canada have also been recommending their friends and family to study in Canada from Nepal because of the quality education, job opportunities and safety provided by Canada. While studying in Canada, you can work for 20 hours per week in college days and full time during holidays.

Counting over 120,000 international students each year, anywhere in Canada, you will be surrounded by a large multicultural environment, both in classrooms, as well as in society. This creates a great advantage for any foreigner, meaning that you can easily adapt and make friends.

Are you also interested to study in Canada? If you are considering Canada as a study destination, you have come to the right destination. In this article, we will be providing detailed information regarding studying in Canada.

Let’s get started with the reasons why you should choose to study in Canada:

Table of Contents: Why Choose to Study In Canada for International Students?

  1. Why Study in Canada for International Students?
  2. Canada’s Top Quality Education
  3. Top Courses to Study in Canada
    1. 1. Nursing in Canada
    2. 2.Photography in Canada
    3. 3. MPH in Canada
    4. 4. MSC Nursing in Canada
    5. 5. Animation in Canada
    6. 6. Medicine Courses in Canada
    7. 7. Music in Canada for International Students
    8. 8. Bachelor in Canada
  4. Study in Canada with Affordable Fee Structure
  5. Study in Canada in Top Universities and Colleges in the World
    1. 01. University of Victoria
    2. 02. Western University
    3. 03. University of British Columbia
    4. 04. York University
    5. 05. University of Guelph
    6. 06. McMasters University
    7. 07. University of Ottawa
  6. Affordable Cheap Universities in Canada
  7. Study In Canada with Scholarship Programs
    1. 1. Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program
    2. 2. Quebec Government Scholarships 
    3. 3. Margaret McNamara Educational Grants for Women
    4. 4. University of British Columbia’s International Leader of Tomorrow
    5. 5. York University Global Leader of Tomorrow Scholarships
  8. Affordable Cost of Living in Canada
  9. Other More Reasons to Study in Canada for International Students
    1. Safety
    2. Work Permit
    3. Job Opportunities
    4. Immigration
  10. Student Visa Canada Requirements
    1. How to Apply for Canadian Student Visa
    2. Documents Required for Canada Student Visa
  11. How to Apply for Scholarship in Canada
  12. Scholarship for Nepalese Students in Canada for Higher Studies
  13. How to Apply for Scholarships in Canada?
  14. Conclusion: Why Choose to Study In Canada for International Students?
  15. FAQs on Why Choose to Study In Canada for International Students?

Why Study in Canada for International Students?

Some of the brief reasons to Study in Canada as International Students are:

  • Quality Education
  • Affordable Fee Structure
  • Scholarship Programs
  • Cost of Living
  • Safety
  • Work Permit
  • Job Opportunities
  • Immigration

Canada’s Top Quality Education

One of the major reasons why students from all over the world choose to study in Canada is because of the quality education provides through some of the best colleges and universities in the world. Canada houses some of the best colleges and universities in the world. Universities like the McGill University, York University, University of Victoria, etc. are located in Canada. Also, Canada is a great destination for research-intensive courses. So, if you want to pursue a Ph.D. course, Canada can be the best destination for you. The quality of education in Canada is recognized all over the world.

Top Courses to Study in Canada

Canada offers varieties of courses for students from all over the world. Here we will introduce you to some of the most popular courses in Canada for international students.

1. Nursing in Canada

Nursing in Canada

Many students choose to study nursing in Canada as it is one of the most demanded professions in Canada. Since the country is facing a shortage in the supply of nurses, Canada encourages international students to study nursing and work in Canada. It was also estimated that the country would require at least 66,000 nurses by the year 2021. Thus, with an objective to increase the number of nurses, many colleges and universities in Canada offer specialized nursing courses for international students.

If you are interested in studying nursing in Canada, you should be familiar with the prerequisites need to study nursing in Canada. Please note that nursing courses in Canada are available at both diploma and undergraduate degree. Also, many nursing colleges/universities in Canada offer specialized programs like emergency nursing, cardiac nursing, school nursing, pediatric nursing, etc.

2.Photography in Canada

If you want to turn your photography hobby into a profession, you can opt to study photography in Canada. Canada provides some of the best photography courses in the world. Photography programs are designed to provide students with the education, technical expertise, and artistic training that are required to become professional photographers. Also, the best thing about studying photography in Canada is that the photography courses in Canada are designed in collaboration with some of the best photographers in Canada as well as the world.

Some of the courses available for photography are creative and applied digital photography, photojournalism, and photo arts. In order to be eligible to apply for photography courses in Canada, you’ll need to have completed +2 in English and have basic knowledge regarding the operation of the camera along with some photography experience.

3. MPH in Canada

MPH in Canada

If you are thinking of pursuing a Masters in Public Health (MPH), Canada will be the best option for you. Colleges and universities in Canada offer some of the best colleges and universities for MPH courses for international students. Universities and colleges in Canada offer two types of courses for MPH i.e. course-based (MPH) and research-based (MScPH). Also, various universities in Canada also provide various scholarships for international students willing to pursue a full-time degree in Master of Public Health in Canada. 

4. MSC Nursing in Canada

MSC Nursing in Canada is another most popular courses in Canada for international students. This is because many universities and colleges in Canada provide the best MSC nursing courses at very affordable rates. If you are interested in pursuing a master’s degree in Nursing in Canada, you can either go for the Master of Nursing(MN) or the Master of Science in Nursing (MSc Nursing). MCS nursing is a graduate certificate programs that are designed for the students who have completed nursing and want to work as a registered nurse in Canada.

5. Animation in Canada


Canada has a lot of colleges and universities when it comes to getting an arts degree in animation. Canadian Cities like Toronto, Ontario, and Vancouver, British Columbia have numerous art and film schools providing competitive programs for animation in Canada. Having a degree in animation will surely be rewarding as the media industry needs a steady supply of top-notch animators.

Ontario College in Canada is regarded to be the best college in Canada for studying animation. The college provides diverse programs in the field of web programs, 2D or 3D animation and computer animation with special emphasis on traditional professional illustration.

6. Medicine Courses in Canada

Canada also offers various medicine courses for international students.  Universities like Dalhousie, McGill, McMaster, Memorial, Queen’s, San Juan Bautista, Central del Caribe, Laval, Montréal, Sherbrooke, and Toronto accept international medical students from all over the world. Studying medicine in Canada remains one of the most competitive in the world. Only 15 % of Canadian pre-Med students gain admission to medical school in Canada. Medical study in Canada is a 3 to a 5-year program, depending on Universities and the background of each student.

7. Music in Canada for International Students

You can browse through various colleges regarding courses in music in Canada for international students. These colleges provide a variety of courses in Canada for international students. You can pursue a diploma degree in music as diploma programs take a shorter time to complete than a bachelor’s or associate degree program. These programs for music are provided through various community or technical schools in Canada.

8. Bachelor in Canada

Bachelor in Canada

You need to have completed the secondary school program in order to study Bachelor in Canada. Bachelor’s degrees in Canada normally require three or four years of full-time study, depending on the province or whether the program is general or specialized. With more than 125 public and private universities, Canada invites thousands of students from all over the world to study Bachelors in Canada. These universities offer more than 3000 programs for Bachelor’s degree.

All these courses are available in various universities and colleges in Canada. Now we will introduce you to some of the best universities in Canada:

Study in Canada with Affordable Fee Structure

This is another answer to the question of why study in Canada. Affordability is also one of the major reasons for students choosing to study in Canada. Canada houses a number of colleges and universities that provides various programs and courses at various fee structures, ranging from cheapest to the most expensive ones. With this, you can choose the colleges/universities, programs, and courses that best fit your budget. However, you should note that the fees for international students are always higher than those for the nationals.

Study in Canada in Top Universities and Colleges in the World

Canada houses some of the top Universities and Colleges around the world.

01. University of Victoria

The University of Victoria, also known as UVic, is a public research university in Canada. The university is located in the Greater Victoria municipalities of Oak Bay and Saanich, British Columbia, Canada. The University of Victoria ranked as the second-best comprehensive university in Canada for three successive years.

The university operates nine academic faculties and schools including the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business and the Faculties of Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Human & Social Development, Humanities, Law, Science, and Social Sciences. The university is based on developing a culture of innovation, discovery, and creativity. With a huge network of university partners, UVic offers 100 or so study abroad programs in 25 countries around the world.

The university has specialized in eight areas of research that include culture and creativity, climate and energy, health and life sciences, data science and cyber-physical systems, ocean science and technology, global studies and social justice, mathematics and computer science, and indigenous research. Further, the university has partnered with government, industries and research organizations for research and development initiatives. Not just academics, the University of Victoria is also a hub for fun and recreational activities

02. Western University

The Western University which was founded by Bishop Isaac Hellmuth in March 1878. But, the university opened its doors to the students only in the year 1881 with four major faculties – arts, divinity, law, and medicine.

Currently, the university provides both Graduate and Undergraduate programs to students from all over the world.  With this, the Western University invites applications from students all over the world. Most of the students choose to study at Western because of their internationally-renowned faculty members, world-class research facilities and infrastructure, excellent graduate-level funding, and the high quality of our graduate programs.

Approximately 20% of the university’s graduate students are from outside of Canada, representing countries from all over the world.  With this diverse community, the university provides many opportunities to get involved with international activities on campus, including joining clubs and campus projects, volunteering with Western’s international community and attending seasonal events.

03. University of British Columbia

This university in Canada is ranked among the top 20 public universities in the world. It is also considered as a global center for teaching, learning, and research.  The University of British Columbia has two major campuses in Vancouver and the Okanagan that has been successful in attracting, nurturing and transforming more than 65,000 students from Canada and 140+ countries around the globe. If you are looking for undergraduate or graduate courses/programs, scholarships, or ready to pursue your higher education, go for the University of British Columbia.

The university offers undergraduate degree programs, postgraduate degree programs, joint academic programs, exchange programs, and distance education programs. A wide list of subjects incorporates under these programs that give students the opportunity to choose among the various subjects according to their area of interest. The list includes Applied Science, Architecture, Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Philosophy, Anthropology and Ancient Culture, Religion and Ethnicity. Moreover, the students are guided under expert professionals that provide basic knowledge and practical experience. Also, the students are given a chance to understand the curriculum of different universities and learn many other things under the student exchange program. In addition, the university is visited by experienced faculty that takes the students to the work field for exposure.

04. York University

York University is the third-largest university in Canada. Initially, the university was affiliated with the University of Toronto, and later in 1965, it became an independent unit. Currently, York University is home to around 2,300 students and 7,000 faculties and staff across the world. The Keele Campus is the primary campus of York University. This campus is the largest campus in Canada when it comes to post-secondary institutes. The two other campuses of this university are the Markham Centre and Glendon.

The York University houses 28 research centers and 11 faculties, including Faculty of Science, Schulich School of Business, Lassonde School of Engineering, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Glendon College, Faculty of Education, Osgoode Hall Law School, Faculty of Health, Faculty of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Graduate Studies, and School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design.

Several programs of York University are recognized nationally as well as internationally. The cross-disciplinary programming and innovative educational opportunities of the university feature a great platform for students seeking meaningful careers. Around 120 programs of the University for Undergraduates along with 17-degree types offer a broad spectrum of degree options for students. It is one of the few universities which offer a chance to defer their offer for a year in case of financial difficulties or work-related challenges.

05. University of Guelph

The University of Guelph is an open research university in Canada that was established in the year 1964. The university is associated with the Canadian Association of Research Libraries, International Association of Universities, Ontario Network of Women in Engineering, Council of Ontario Universities, Canada University Society for Intercollegiate Debate, Canada Bureau for International Education, Ontario University Athletics, Universities Canada and Fields Institute for Research & Mathematical Sciences. The university developed a Macdonald Institute in the year 1903. This institute comprises courses in economics programs, domestic art, science and nature studies. Initially, these courses were offered only to female students.

Similarly, the university also has a satellite campus that was developed in 2002 and offers seven 4-year academic programs. The university offers undergraduate programs and postgraduate programs. The wide range of courses provided by the University gives students the opportunity to choose among the subjects as per their area of interest.

The university also has a central library that consists of about thousands of books, journals, magazines and research documents. Also, the university has a few Joint graduate programs, including Biology, Chemistry, Public Policy, and history.

06. McMasters University

The McMasters University in Canada is one of the four universities in Canada that has been ranked consecutively in the top 100 by major global rankings. Similarly, McMaster University has been named as the most research-intensive university by Research Info source in the year 2016. It is a research-oriented, medical-doctoral university that initiated the problem-based approach to learning which later came to be known as “The McMaster model”.

The university has four regional campuses, namely, downtown Hamilton, Niagara, Kitchener-Waterloo, and Burlington. The main campus of McMaster University is situated in the West Dale neighborhood of Hamilton, Ontario. McMaster University offers Arts & Science Programs and six departments/faculties including the faculties of Health Sciences, Science, Humanities, Social Sciences and Engineering and the DeGroote School of Business.

Students from 113 countries across the world are currently studying at McMasters University. As of fall 2017, international students represent 24 % more than the graduate students in the university.

07. University of Ottawa

The University of Ottawa is the biggest bilingual university in the world.  In addition, the University of Ottawa is also listed among the top 10 research universities. The university features more than 400 programs both graduate and undergraduate. Along with this, the university also provides an opportunity to work in one of Canada’s five big universities so that the students can gain practical experience and develop professional terms for a career in the future.

Along with varied courses, the University also organizes many events and workshops so as to increase the knowledge and skills of the students. The Ottawa University has a notable list of alumnus including Wayne D. Angell (Retired Governor of the Federal Reserve Board), Michele Lamont (Professor at Harvard University), Trent Franks (U.S Representative and Member of Republican Party) and Samantha Bee (Actor, Comedian).

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Affordable Cheap Universities in Canada

Here are some of the Affordable cheap universities in Canada for International Students:

Collage NamesTuition Fees
Algonquin CollegeCAD 12,000 per year
Bow Valley CollegeCAD 6,000 to CAD 11,234 per year
Camosun CollegeCAD 7,000 per year
Brandon UniversityCAD 7,203 per year
Université de Saint-BonifaceCAD 7,482 per year
University of GuelphCAD 9,730 per year
Canadian Mennonite UniversityCAD 10,003 per year

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Study In Canada with Scholarship Programs

The Government of Canada, as well as various colleges and universities in Canada, provide various scholarship programs to international students from all over the world. In order to be eligible for these scholarship programs, the applicant must have excellent academic records. Since these scholarship programs are non-repayable financial rewards, you don’t need to worry about paying it back. What’s better than obtaining this quality of education in Canada with scholarships?

Some of the top 5 scholarships available for international students in Canada for international Students are

  • Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program
  • Quebec Government Scholarships 
  • Margaret McNamara Educational Grants for Women
  • University of British Columbia’s International Leader of Tomorrow
  • York University Global Leader of Tomorrow Scholarships

1. Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program

This is one of the most prestigious scholarships in Canada. With this scholarship program, the eligible students are granted with a scholarship worth $50,000 per year for three years. This scholarship is available to both Canadian and international Ph.D. students studying at Canadian universities. This scholarship program is available for Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada and foreign students pursuing a doctoral degree at eligible Canadian universities.

 In order to apply for this scholarship program, you must be nominated by the university at which you want to study. You cannot apply directly to the Vanier CGS program.

2. Quebec Government Scholarships 

The Quebec government also offers various types of scholarships and grants for doctoral research to international students from all over the world. The Scholarship program has been encouraged to encourage international students in beginning or pursuing doctoral studies in Québec. This scholarship aim to provide financial support to leading international Ph.D. candidates in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering fields.

To be eligible for this scholarship program, you must specialize in areas like aerospace, information and communication technologies, health technologies, genomics, and nanotechnologies

3. Margaret McNamara Educational Grants for Women

This scholarship is provided to female students from developing and middle-income countries who agree to return to or remain in their countries, or other developing countries, and work to improve the lives of women and/or children. This scholarship worth $15,000 is provided to numerous women every year.

4. University of British Columbia’s International Leader of Tomorrow

This scholarship is awarded to international students with excellent academic achievement, leadership skills, involvement in student affairs and community service, recognized achievement in performing arts, sports, debating or creative writing, or external academic competitions and examinations. The scholarship covers a student’s cost of tuition, fees and living costs, minus the financial contribution the student and their family can make annually towards these costs.

5. York University Global Leader of Tomorrow Scholarships

The York University scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship that is granted to outstanding international students going in for undergraduate studies. The scholarship is worth CAD$20,000 for 4 years. With this scholarship, all you need now is to make up for other expenses such as living expenses. These are the top 5 scholarship programs in Canada for international students. Do refer to the link provided for full details on eligibility criteria and application procedures.

Affordable Cost of Living in Canada

Along with affordable fees structure, the cost of living in Canada is also compared to the cost of living in other countries. With regard to accommodation, colleges and universities in Canada also provide on-campus accommodation to its students. On-campus accommodation is considered to be best for international students in terms of affordability. Students can also choose from various accommodation options like dormitory, homestays and off-campus accommodation. 

Other More Reasons to Study in Canada for International Students

Other more Reasons to Study in Canada for International Students are:


Canada is also one of the safest countries in the world. This is why students along with their parents choose Canada for their higher studies. The country faces very low crime rates and cases of racial discrimination. Statistics by Numbeo reveal that Canada’s safety index (62.42) is much higher than the safety indices of another popular study abroad destinations such as US (49.99), UK (57.9) and Australia (57.94).

Work Permit

The best thing about studying in Canada is that it provides work permits to the students during their studies in Canada. International students studying in Canada with a Canada study permit are eligible to work up to 20 hours per week during school terms and full-time (30 hours/week) during college/university vacation. With this, students can earn to support their daily expenses.

Job Opportunities

Once you have completed your studies in Canada, you can start applying for jobs, given that you have a valid post-study work permit. This is one of the hundreds of benefits of studying in Canada. International students can work in Canada for up to three years after finishing their studies. After completing your studies, you can apply for work experience through various postgraduate work programs that will deal with granting you a special work permit. This work permit allows you to work in Canada for the same period you’ve studied there, which is generally of three years.


Canada also provides immigration options to international students. In order to be eligible for Canada Immigration Programs, one needs to have completed his/her study in Canada and should have worked for a certain number of years in Canada. Canadian experience and post-secondary credentials can also increase your score in the Express Entry system. So, being an international student can help get your Canadian permanent residence by greatly increasing your chances of being selected by an existing Canada immigration program.

These are some of the benefits of studying in Canada. Having said that, now we will move on to some of the best courses in Canada for international students.

Student Visa Canada Requirements

In this section, we will provide you all the information regarding the Canadian student visa procedure. The visa office in your country will provide specific instructions about which documents you need to provide as this can vary depending on your location. The visa procedure for Canada is easy and efficient as compared to the visa procedures for other countries. If you are applying for a visa for Canada, you can contact us at Canada Study Center. You can apply for a Canadian student visa either online or through a paper application, which is obtained from the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) website.

Student Visa Requirements

The Canada student visa process from Nepal may vary according to factors such as which course are you applying, for which university are you applying and depends on the terms and conditions of the university or educational institutions. While applying for a student visa for Canada, you need to have Biometric Enrolment at the Canada Visa Application Centre (CVAC) in Nepal.

The visa success rate for Canada from Nepal is high compared to the success rate for other countries. In order to increase your visa success rate for Canada from Nepal make sure that you follow the visa application process thoroughly. Having good academic records and high scores in the English language test will increase your chances of visa success.

How to Apply for Canadian Student Visa

The first step in applying for a Canadian student visa is to get accepted from a college or university in Canada. It is mandatory to submit the acceptance letter provided by the college/university in Canada while applying for a Canada student visa. Some of the best colleges we recommend are Cambrian College, Canadore College, Georgian College, Royal Roads University, University of Prince Edward Island, etc.

Then, you need to confirm if you need to apply for a Canadian student visa. In some cases, you won’t need to apply for a student visa. For example, if you are getting enrolled in a study program of fewer than six months, you won’t need to apply for a Canadian student visa.

Here are the steps on how to apply for a Canadian student visa:

  • You can send your student visa application online through Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)’s website. You can also apply offline though. If you plan to apply online, you must have electronic copies of your documents for uploading and have a valid credit card for payment. However, you’ll be required to provide a finger scan at the regional Visa Application Centre (VAC). Even though you are applying online, you need to visit the VFS offices to hand your passports and would have to provide the confirmation of form and fee payment as well.

And, if you are applying offline, you need to first download the application kit and read the instruction guide. The instruction guide contains important information about study permits and instructions to help you complete your application. Read the guide carefully and use the document checklist. Then, fill out the VFS Consent Form and attach it with your application form.  You need this form to get the assistance of VFS services for your visa filing process.

  • Submit your letter of acceptance that you’ve received from your college/university.  
  • Submit proof of financial resources required to support your studies in Canada. The fund should be enough to support your tuition fees and living expenses.
  • Submit a police report mentioning that you have no criminal record to date.
  • Submit your medical report that states you are in good health and fit to travel and study in Canada from Nepal.

The processing time for a student visa in Canada is usually about 4-6 weeks. You can visit the Canadian consulate website to know the approximate time taken to process the student visa. The status of your online applications can be viewed on your MyCIC account. Similarly, you need a MyCIC account to receive in-depth and real-time information about your application status. You will also receive online messages regarding your application.

Documents Required for Canada Student Visa

Following are the list of documents required for Canada Student Visa:

  • Completed student permit application form
  • Letter of acceptance provided by the college/university
  • Valid passport/travel document
  • Two recent passport-size photographs, with specifications of name and date of birth on the back
  • Proof of financial support during your study tenure. You’ll need to show that you have about 10,000 and 11,000 CAD per year for living in the country.
  • A letter of intent
  • If you intend to study in Quebec, you will also need a Certificat d’acceptation du Québec, English and French translations for your document, a statement from the translator and a certified copy of the original documents
  • Proof of payment of study permit fee (150 CAD)

How to Apply for Scholarship in Canada

Canada has become one of the most preferred destinations for higher education for students all over the world. Quality of education, presence of top colleges and universities, and affordable tuition fees are the major factors that attract students from all over the world to Canada. Despite affordable fee structure, the Government of Canada, as well as various colleges and universities in Canada, provide various scholarships programs for international students.

Scholarship for Nepalese Students in Canada for Higher Studies

The government of Canada and various colleges and universities in Canada provide various scholarships for Nepalese students in Canada for higher studies. Every year many Nepali students are granted scholarships by colleges and universities in Canada. However, you need to keep in mind that this scholarship in Canada for Nepalese students are granted on the basis of outstanding academic achievement. This scholarship funding for international students is highly competitive, limited, and provided mostly for the postgraduate level. The various scholarship programs in Canada include scholarship in Canada for bachelor, scholarship in Canada for masters, MBBS in Canada on scholarship, Ph.D. scholarship in Canada, and many more.

How to Apply for Scholarships in Canada?

While applying for scholarships, you need to check the eligibility criteria to understand if you qualify for the scholarship application. Also, the scholarship type and amount depend on individual institutions. You can also find various scholarship opportunities like a scholarship in Canada for bachelor’s, scholarship in Canada for masters, MBBS in Canada on scholarship, Ph.D. scholarship in Canada, etc.

The eligibility requirements for studying in Canada differs according to the type of scholarships. For example, some scholarships may require a personal essay and/or request references from past teachers or employers. Other scholarships for Nepalese students in Canada is primarily based on academic performance, extracurricular achievements, or other creative skills.

You can apply for scholarships for the following courses in Canada:

  • Scholarship in Canada for Bachelor
  • Scholarship in Canada for Masters
  • Scholarship in Canada for Bachelor
  • MBBS in Canada on Scholarship
  • Ph.D. Scholarship in Canada

Conclusion: Why Choose to Study In Canada for International Students?

If you are planning to study abroad in Canada and have queries regarding scholarship for Nepalese students in Canada, do contact the Canadian Study Center.

Canadian Study Center was established by Pramila Pokhrel in 2013 for the benefit of students who want to study in Canada. Afterward, it is recognized nationally.

Canadian Study Center has always offered access to a wide range of academic opportunities in Canada. The consultancy has a team of experts who have years of experience in visa counseling, documentation, reviewing SOPs and preparing complete visa applications of Canada. Thus these competencies make Canadian Study Center the best education consultancy in Nepal for Canada.

We represent and recruit for the top universities and educational institutions in Canada. We offer end-to-end counseling and application management services for students looking to study in Canada.

FAQs on Why Choose to Study In Canada for International Students?

Why Canada is the best destination for International Students to Study abroad?

Some of the reasons to consider Canada to Study Abroad as an International Students are:
 Quality Education: As Canada houses some of the top Universities and Colleges in the world.
 Affordable Fee Structure: Canadian Universities and Colleges are a lot more affordable
– Scholarship Programs: Various institutions provide scholarship for international students to study in Canada
– Cost of Living: Quality of life is better in Canada as its living cost is supported by its higher minimum wage income.
– Work Permit: International Students can apply for work permit after completion of their studies
– Job Opportunities:
– Immigration
– Safety

What are the top Scholarships for International Students in Canada?

The list of top Scholarships for International Students in Canada are:
– Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program
– Quebec Government Scholarships 
– Margaret McNamara Educational Grants for Women
– University of British Columbia’s International Leader of Tomorrow
– York University Global Leader of Tomorrow Scholarships

What are the top Universities in Canada for International Students?

The list of top Universities in Canada for International Students are:
01. University of Victoria
02. Western University
03. University of British Columbia
04. York University
05. University of Guelph
06. McMasters University
07. University of Ottawa

Top 5 Best Cities In Canada For International Students From Nepal

Are you looking to start an exciting educational journey in Canada? As a Nepali student seeking the best place to study in Canada, you’re in for a treat! Canada offers many opportunities for international students, with its world-class education system, diverse cultural experiences, and welcoming communities.

Whether you’re drawn to vibrant student cities buzzing with life or serene environment having breathtaking landscapes, Canada has something for everyone. Some of the best student cities in Canada for students are Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, and Quebec. These places are home to some of the best universities in Canada.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the top five best cities in Canada for international students that are particularly appealing to Nepalese, highlighting what makes each city unique and why they are ideal destinations for your academic endeavors.

Best Cities in Canada for International Students

The top 5 most popular and best cities in Canada for studying and living are:

  1. Montreal
  2. Toronto
  3. Vancouver
  4. Ottawa
  5. Quebec

1. Montreal: No. 1 City in Canada for International Students

Montreal attracts more than 300,000 international students from all over the world with its world-class universities. One of the best universities in the world i.e., McGill University is located in Montreal. This university ranks in the 24th position in terms of the best universities in the world. Apart from the best education, the city is also well known for its culture, festivals, comedy shows, etc.

Study in Montreal - Best Cities in Canada for International Students

The city is preferred by international students also because of the ease of transportation the city provides to its residents. If you want to study in Montreal, you must be familiar with its transportation and safety-related issues. The city has an easily accessible and affordable transportation system. In terms of transportation modes, the city offers more than 200 bus routes and more than 50 metro stations. Students can also explore the city through Bixi bikes.

Living Costs for International Students in Montreal

In terms of safety, Montreal ranks as the 17th safest city in the world. The cost of living in Canadian cities like Montreal is also very affordable.

Generally, a one-bedroom apartment costs around CAD 709-1050 per month and the transportation cost per month comes to be around CAD 85. The total cost to study in Canada from Nepal is around $35,000 including the living expenses and tuition fee. Depending on the courses and Universities, the tuition fee can be variable.

Top Universities in Montreal for International students

Some of top Universities in Montreal for International students are:

SNUniversityWorld University Ranking
1McGill University3
2University of Montréal5
3Concordia University22
4University of Québec at Montréal26
5School of Higher Technology – University of Quebec27
6Polytechnic School of Montreal29

2. Toronto

The University of Toronto houses 17% of international students from all over the world. As a cultural hub of Canada, Toronto amazes its residents and foreigners with its historical monuments, festivals, art, etc. The city is also considered to be the best place to live in Canada for Nepali students. Various factors make the city of Toronto the 34th most student-friendly cities of the world.

Study in Toronto - Best Cities in Canada for International Students

If you want to study in Toronto, you must be familiar with its transportation and safety-related issues. Toronto is one of the preferred cities in Canada by international students also because of the ease of transportation the city provides to its residents. Transportation facilities in the city of Toronto include subways, streetcars, and bus services within the city. The minimum transport fares are CAD 3.

Living Costs for International Students in Toronto

In terms of safety, Toronto ranks 81% on the safety index. The monthly living cost in Toronto is also very affordable. Generally, a one-bedroom apartment costs around CAD 2020 per month and the transportation cost per month comes to be around CAD 103

Top Universities in Toronto for International students

Some of the Top Universities in Toronto for International students are:

SNUniversityWorld University Ranking
1University of Toronto1
2York University2
3Ryerson University3
4Humber College157
5Trent University1570

3. Vancouver

The city of Vancouver is one of the most expensive and student-friendly cities in Canada. Despite this, the city ranks as the 17th most student-friendly cities in the world. Students love this city for its natural beauty and pleasant environment. The majority of international students in Vancouver come from Europe, followed by China, Scotland, and many more. 

Study in Vancouver - Best Cities in Canada for International Students

If you want to study in Vancouver, you must be familiar with its transportation and safety-related issues. In terms of transportation, the city of Vancouver offers a transportation system like rapid trains, buses, sea buses, world coast express, etc. The monthly living cost for Vancouver is just like for Toronto.

Living Costs for International Students in Vancouver

The monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment comes to be around CAD 1900-3000 and the monthly transportation cost comes to be around CAD 109.

Top Universities in Vancouver for International students

Some of the top Universities in Vancouver for International Students are:

SNUniversityWorld University Ranking
1University of British Columbia13
2Simon Fraser University317
3University Canada West401
4Vancouver Island University1001
5Emily Carr University of Art and Design30

4. Ottawa

The city of Ottawa is considered to be one of the most student-friendly cities in the world. The city offers a lively and diverse environment for international students. Similarly, the city is also known for winter sports like skiing and skating. Also, Ottawa is one of the best cities to work in.

Study in Ottawa

If you want to study in Ottawa, you must be familiar with its transportation and safety-related issues. The city of Ottawa offers the best transportation system to its residents. This transportation system includes buses with fixed routes, a rapid bus transit with high-frequency transit, and a light rail transit system that acts as a shuttle. There are special arrangements for disabled people like Para Transpo services.

Living Costs for International Students in Ottawa

The monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment comes to be around CAD 1120 and the monthly transportation cost comes to be around CAD 103.

Top Universities in Ottawa for International students

Some of the top Universities in Ottawa for International Students are:

SNUniversityWorld University Ranking
1University of Ottawa237
2Carleton University601
3Ottawa University273
4Dominican University College167
5Université Saint Paul.927

5. Quebec

Quebec is a French-speaking province in Canada. The city of Quebec is very famous for its art and architecture. This city is rich in culture and celebrates a lot of festivals. Winter Carnival is the biggest festival in Quebec during which many winter sports are organized. It is also the cheapest city in Canada for international students.

Study in Quebec

If you want to study in Quebec, you must be familiar with its transportation and safety-related issues. Unlike other cities in Canada, public transportation is highly recommended in the city of Quebec. Every day around 300,000 people travel through the city. Various transportation modes in Quebec include cars, buses, taxis, bicycles, ferries, and two-wheelers.

Living Costs for International Students in Quebec

The monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment comes to be around CAD 525-700 and the monthly transportation cost comes to be around CAD 87.

Top Universities in Quebec for International students

Some of the top Universities in Quebec for International Students are:

SNUniversityWorld University Ranking
1Bishop’s University2921
2McGill University49
3Concordia University653
4University de Montreal156
5Université du Québec571


These are the Top 5 Best Cities in Canada for International Students to Study with their details. This might be helpful for you in making a decision regarding which city you want to study in Canada. If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact Canadian Study Center.

Explore more:

1. Top Universities In Canada For Better Opportunities

    2. Scholarship For Nepalese Students in Canada for Higher Studies

    3. Top Courses in Canada For International Students To Choose

    4. Study Computer Science In Canada

    5. Study in Canada from Nepal

    FAQs on Top 5 Best Cities in Canada for International Students

    1. What are the best cities in Canada for International Students?

    The list of top best cities in Canada for International Students to study in Canada are:

    2. What are the cheap cities in Canada for international students rental cost wise?

    Some of the cheapest cities in Canada for international students, rental accommodation cost wise are:
    – Saint John, New Brunswick
    – Saguenay, Quebec
    – Sherbrooke, Quebec
    – New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
    – Kitchener, Ontario
    – Quebec City, Quebec
    – Kelowna, British Columbia
    – Red Deer, Alberta

    3. What are the safest cities in Canada for International Students?

    Although, Canada is one of the most safest countries in the world, the top Cities in Canada with least crime rates are:
    – Spallumcheen
    – Central Saanich
    – Coldstream
    – Oak Bay
    – North Saanich

    4. Which province is best for international students in Canada for PR?

    Ontario and British Columbia are often considered the best provinces for international students seeking Permanent Residency (PR) in Canada. The major student cities in these Canadian provinces are Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, Victoria, Waterloo, and Kelowna.

    Top Colleges In Canada For International Students

    If you are searching for the top colleges in Canada, then you’ve reached the right destination. We at Canada Study Center have developed a list of the top 16 colleges in Canada. These top colleges in Canada are located in the most popular Canadian provinces such as Ontario, British Columbia, and Quebec. However, before deciding on the college, you need to analyze various factors such as courses offered, tuition fees, location, etc.

    So, without further ado, let’s learn what are the Top Colleges in Canada for International Students:

    Table of Contents

    Top 16 Colleges in Canada for International Students

    Canada is considered to be the educational hub of the world as it houses some of the best universities and colleges in the world. Every year, thousands of international students apply to various universities and colleges in Canada. Quality education at affordable rates is what differentiates the universities and colleges in Canada from the rest of the world.  To make this possible, Canada spends about 5.3% of its GDP on education. The country invests heavily in tertiary education (more than 20,000 USD per student).

    The top 16 Colleges in Canada for International Students are:

    • Cambrian College
    • Fanshawe College
    • Seneca College
    • Humber College
    • George Brown College
    • Sheridan College
    • Red River College
    • Northern Light College
    • Sault College
    • Centennial College
    • Loyalist College
    • NorQuest College
    • Georgian College
    • Canadore College
    • Lambton College
    • Confederation College

    Cambrian College

    Cambrian College - Top Colleges in Canada

    Established in the year 1967, Cambrian College is a college of applied arts and technology. This college, located in Sudbury, Espanola, and Little Current, houses more than 11,000 learners, with over 4100 students in 80 full-time programs, and over 7000 students in almost 900 part-time courses and programs across its three campuses. It is the largest college in Ontario. 

    The Cambrian College ranked as the 22nd top college on the list of Canada’s top 50 research colleges. Cambrian College offers employers access to alumni and students. Given its reputation, the graduates from Cambrian College are recruited by top companies around the world. More than 50,000 alumni are among the top leading positions across the world with half of them being residents of Canada.

    Programs and Courses at Cambrian College for International Students

    • Health Sciences, Nursing, and Emergency Services
    • Skilled Trades Training
    • Engineering Technology
    • Creative Arts, Music, & Design
    • Community Services
    • Law and Justice
    • Business and Information Technology
    • Safety and Environmental Studies
    • General Studies

    While studying at Cambrian College as an international student, you’ll get the opportunity to receive advanced training and a future in Canada due to the value of Canadian education credentials.  You’ll also get to enjoy small class sizes and learn from expert, friendly faculty who will open the door to industry networks. Along with this, you’ll also learn while being mentored by practicing professionals with extensive industry experience.

    Fanshawe College

    Fanshawe College - Top Colleges in Canada

    Located in the greater London region, Fanshawe is a comprehensive college that provides flexible learning arrangements and carrier-oriented education at Canadian colleges. The college runs with a mission to provide pathways to success, an exceptional learning experience, and a global outlook to meet student and employer needs.

    These programs are developed in response to labor market needs. With four campuses in London, Simcoe, St. Thomas, and Woodstock, Fanshawe is one of the largest colleges in Ontario. With these four campuses, Fanshawe serves about half a million students, including international students.

    This college in Canada offers more than 200 degree, diploma, certificate, and apprenticeship programs to 43,000 students each year. Along with education, the college also focuses on the skill development of the students through the design and delivery of custom training for federally and provincially sponsored trainees, community organizations, sectoral training councils, and private sector employers in the business, health, industrial, and services sectors.

    Programs and Courses at Fanshawe College for International Students

    • English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Program
    • Post-Secondary Programs
    • Post-Graduate Certificate Programs
    • Bachelor Degree Programs
    • Summer ESL Programs
    • University Transfer Agreements

    Learn more about the programs for international students here.

    The college also provides various student services for international students. The college assists students from the day they arrive in Canada. The student services include accommodation, employment, clubs and activities, etc.

    Seneca College

    Seneca College - Top Colleges in Canada

    Established in the year 1967, Seneca College offers programs in diploma, graduate, baccalaureate, and certificate levels. The college has a total of four campuses, namely, Newnham Campus, York Campus, King Campus, and Markham Campus. In order to provide better education, the college has developed various methods of teaching, like in-class lectures, online learning, co-op, and field placements. Students are exposed to a learning environment that involves the latest in hands-on computer technology, a variety of class sizes, and full-time, part-time, and continuing education options.

    Also, the Seneca College is the second largest government-funded college in Canada. Currently, around 5,500 international students from 150 different countries are studying at the college. Seneca is also number one among Ontario colleges to send graduates on to university through postsecondary partnerships. More than 60 partner institutions in Ontario and worldwide.

    With more than 500 career options and an abundance of program offerings, Seneca features more than 150 full-time programs and 140 part-time programs, including 12 Degrees, 72 Diplomas, 29 Advanced Diplomas, 22 Certificates, and 42 Postgraduate certificates.

    Programs and Courses at Seneca College for International Students

    • Aviation
    • Business
    • Creative Arts, Animation and Design
    • Education, Community, and Social Services
    • Engineering Technology
    • Fashion and Esthetics
    • Health & Wellness
    • Hospitality and Tourism
    • Information Technology
    • Media & Communications, etc.

    Humber College

    Humber College

    The Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, also known as Humber College, is a publicly-funded college in Ontario in the country of Canada. The college houses 3 main campuses, namely, the Lakeshore campus, the Humber North campus, and the Humber Orangeville campus.

    The college provides great learning opportunities for students through its Collaborative and applied research initiatives. The programs of this college focus on practical experience for students through internships or field placement. The college has been awarded Gold for including international activities in various aspects of its Strategic Plan.

    Programs and Courses at Humber College for International Students

    • Accounting
    • Business Administration
    • Advertising & Graphic Design
    • Architectural Technology
    • Biotechnology
    • Baking and Pastry Arts Management
    • Business Insights and Analytics 
    • Carpentry and Renovation Technician
    • Civil Engineering Technology
    • Computer Systems Technician – Information Technology Infrastructure and Services, and many more.

    Humber College has a reputation for being one of Canada’s most diverse, comprehensive, and exciting colleges—a leader in postsecondary education that offers something for everyone. More than 33,000 full-time students, including 6,500 international students from 130 plus countries are pursuing bachelor’s degrees, diplomas, and postgraduate certificates in 180 programs on two main campuses in Toronto. The college also provides special services for its international students.

    George Brown College

    George Brown College - Top Colleges in Canada

    The George Brown College, established in the year 1967, was named after a newspaper publisher and politician as well, George Brown. As the first college to start a distance education system, it currently has over 15,000 distance education students from all over the world.

    The college houses 3 campuses, namely Casa Loma Campus, St. James Campus, and Waterfront Campus. The college is located at a place where students are within reach of a job market, as the companies play a significant role in the academic life of students, providing them with practical experience, advice about meeting industry needs by building an effective curriculum and sharpening their skills in the particular field of interest.

    Programs and Courses at George Brown College for International Students

    • Art, Design and Information Technology
    • Fashion & Jewelry
    • Media & Performing Arts
    • Accounting & Finance
    • Human Resources
    • Management
    • Marketing
    • Social And Community Services
    • Construction & Engineering Technologies
    • Apprenticeship & Skilled Trades

    The college also offers specialized and diploma programs along with 28 graduate certificate programs. The college is home to over 26,000 including 4,000 international students. It also provides personal assistance and guidance, advice for diploma courses, and opportunities for practical experience as well.

    Sheridan College

    Sheridan College - Top Colleges in Canada

    The Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, also known as Sheridan College, is a diploma, certificate, and degree-granting polytechnic institute in Ontario. The college houses approximately 23,000 full-time students and 17,000 continuing education students. Campuses of these colleges are located in Oakville, Brampton, and Mississauga.

    Sheridan College’s world-renowned programs and exceptional faculty have placed the college at the front lines of research from creative studies to digital innovation. 1908 students and over 150 faculty and staff of Sheridan are involved in active research. The college has 234 tracked active research projects. Sheridan has 5 unique research centers dedicated to music theatre, elder research, advanced manufacturing, and design technologies, mobile innovation and screen industries research, and an entrepreneurship hub promoting exceptional research activities with more than 400 industry partners. 

    Programs and Courses at Sheridan College for International Students

    • Business
    • Engineering
    • Film, TV, Journalism
    • Skilled Trades
    • Applied Health
    • Applied Computing
    • Community Studies
    • Public Safety
    • Architectural Studies
    • Design, Illustration, and Photography

    Red River College

    Red River College - Top Colleges in Canada

    Red River College (RRC) is one of the oldest educational institutes in Canada. It is also considered to be the largest institute in the Manitoba province, for applied learning and applied research. Red River College has campuses in Winnipeg, Selkirk, Steinbach, Portage la Prairie, Southport, Peguis, and Winkler. RRC has an extremely high- quality of both hands-on and online tuition, encouraging a varied and comprehensive learning environment. RRC ensures that its students can meet changing industry demands and contribute to the region’s economic growth.

    The college conducts more than 200 degree, diploma, and certificate programs in both regular and distance learning modes, with an average annual student count of over 21,000. It is the fastest-growing public university in Canada.

    Programs and Courses at Red River College for International Students

    • Intensive English
    • Business
    • Community Services
    • Computer and Information Systems Technology
    • Creative Arts
    • Engineering and CAD Technology
    • Health Sciences
    • Hospitality
    • Indigenous Education
    • Skilled Trades
    • Transportation Technology

    With all these program options, this college definitely sets a high standard for numerous other colleges. Being one of the oldest vocational, educational, and research institutions in the world, Red River College offers some of the best quality learning in the likes of Aircraft and Aerospace, Applied Accounting, Business Information Technology, Culinary Arts, Digital Media Design, Tourism Management, Medical Sciences and much more.

    Northern Light College

    Northern Lights College - Top Colleges in Canada

    Northern Light College (NLC) is a member of British Columbia Colleges (BC Colleges), a provincial group comprised of 11 colleges from throughout the Province of British Columbia. BC Colleges has a unique regional advantage and a long history of collaboration with industry, employers, communities, and policymakers. This collaborative approach allows BC Colleges to graduate highly skilled workers who are equipped to support their families, build healthier communities, and power the economy in all regions of British Columbia.

    The Northern Lights College has five campuses at Atlin, Chetwynd Campus, Dawson Creek, Dease Lake, Fort St. John, and Fort Nelson. The three famous centers at the college are centers of excellence Aerospace, Clean Energy Technology, and Oil and Gas.

    Programs and Courses at Northern Light College for International Students

    • Aircraft Mechanic Basics
    • Aircraft Maintenance Technician – Basic Training
    • Aircraft Maintenance Technician – Vernon
    • Applied Business Technology – Administrative Assistant
    • Applied Business Technology – Financial Assistant
    • Applied Business Technology – Office Assistant
    • Associate of Arts Degree
    • Associate of Arts Degree (Health Studies)
    • Associate of Science Degree
    • Archaeology Diploma

    The Northern Lights College Students’ Association (NLCSA) provides social, cultural, and recreational events for students. The NLCSA strives to have student representation from each campus through Local Campus Student Councils that govern student activities on each campus. The college also offers small size classes which enables them to have more personalized classes.

    Sault College

    Sault College

    Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology is a publicly funded college in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. It began in 1965 as the Ontario Vocational Centre. Today, Sault College offers full-time and part-time opportunities for students in post-secondary, apprenticeship, adult retraining, continuing education, and contract training program categories. Sault College’s full-time and part-time enrollment totals about 4,500 registrants annually. The College has grown tremendously over the years, adding programs in all disciplines. They now respond to the postsecondary educational needs of more than 4,500 part-time and full-time students each year

    Programs and Courses at Sault College for International Students

    • Apprenticeship
    • Aviation
    • Business
    • Community Integration through Co-operative Education (CICE)
    • Community Services
    • Continuing Education
    • Culinary and Hospitality
    • Engineering Technology
    • General Arts and Science
    • Health Programs

    If you are interested in pursuing your career as a pilot, Sault College is the ultimate option for you. Sault College is home to one of the best-recognized aviation programs in Canada, the program provides Integrated Commercial Pilot License Aircraft including a multi-engine instrument rating (CPL (A)IR).

    Centennial College

    The Centennial College was established as a local community college in Ontario, Canada. However, over the years the college gained several partnership networks and applied a novel growth model, which has resulted in the worldwide presence of the college. Centennial College started working with communities of Mississauga and is now present in countries like India, China, South Korea, and Brazil.

    Currently, the college is recognized as a publicly-funded, Ontario-based post-secondary institution. The college is run with a mission to provide graduates with a lifelong rewarding relationship with the college community. The college has all facilities equipped campuses at five locations that include the Ashtonbee, Downsview, Morningside, Progress, and Story Arts. In addition, the college also has learning sites called Eglington and Pickering learning sites.

    With 160 Programs, 5 Campuses, and 7 Specialized Academic Schools, you’ll find what you need at Centennial.

    Programs and Courses at Centennial College for International Students

    • Bachelor of Information Technology (Computer and Communication Networks), Honours
    • Honours Bachelor of Public Relations Management
    • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) Collaborative Nursing Degree
    • Joint Programs with the University of Toronto(Scarborough)

    The college provides 24-hour access to online teaching facilities for all its online courses. It makes a connection with the industry through a unique Solv model. Solv enables businesses of all sizes, and all sectors to engage with the college through a single point of contact. The industry engages with the colleges for recruitment, training, and various joint services to impart application-based learning to Centennial students.

    Loyalist College

    Loyalist College

    The Loyalist College was established in 1967 at Belleville, in Ontario, Canada to increase the number of institutions that could provide career-oriented courses to the people of Ontario. Officially, the Loyalist College is known as the Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology. The residence of Loyalist College has 5 buildings that house around 474 students. The Residence Commons has laundry facilities, a security office, an entertainment area, computer access, and a food station. The entertainment area has a television, ping pong tables, and pool tables for the students’ use.

    The college is recognized for its strong, pioneering presence, community resolve, determination, and forward-thinking leaders. Ranked among the top colleges in Canada, it is one of the best English-language institutions focused on Applied Arts and Technology programs.

    Programs and Courses at Loyalist College for International Students

    • Artificial Intelligence & Data Science (post-graduate) 
    • Business
    • Cloud Computing (post-graduate)
    • Computer Systems Technician
    • Cyber Security (post-graduate)
    • Global Business Management (post-graduate)
    • Hospitality Management – Canadian Hotels & Resorts (post-graduate)
    • Project Management (post-graduate)
    • Supply Chain Management – Enterprise Resource Planning (post-graduate)
    • Supply Chain Management – Global Logistics (post-graduate)
    • Wireless Information Networking (post-graduate)

    At Loyalist, you’ll receive individual attention in small classes from instructors who will guide you in achieving positive outcomes and acquiring the skills you need to launch and grow your career. International applicants must provide proof of academic standing equivalent to the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), Grade 12, along with transcripts from a post-secondary education (if applicable). 

    NorQuest College

    Norquest College

    NorQuest College is a publicly funded community college in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The student body is approximately 10,900 full-time or part-time credit students, and approximately 8,500 non-credit or continuing education students. Approximately 1,600 students graduate each year. The college has one Edmonton campus in downtown, and three regional campuses (one in each of Drayton Valley, Wetaskiwin, and Whitecourt).

    There are also two correctional institute campuses in the Edmonton area: high school credit courses and non-credit personal development courses are provided to inmates at the Edmonton Remand Centre and the Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre, and employment training courses are offered at the Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre. Approximately 150 students are taking these courses at one time.

    Programs and Courses at NorQuest College for International Students

    • Health
    • Business
    • Community Studies
    • Environment and Technology
    • Academic Upgrading
    • English Language Training
    • Employment Program
    • Open Studies

    The college also provides international students service through which they assist the international students through email or telephone throughout their time at NorQuest College. Specialized services provided to international students include assistance with academic progress, volunteer opportunities, personal and cultural transitions, etc.

    Georgian College

    Georgian College - Top Colleges in Canada

    Georgian College is a College of Applied Arts and Technology in Ontario, Canada. It has 13,000 full-time students, including 3,600 international students from 85 countries, across seven campuses, the largest being in Barrie. Georgian College is very well known for its academic programs that provide international students with the opportunity to Work and Study in Canada in one of the best locations in Canada while at the same time getting paid to go to school.

    Georgian College has been the most preferred one among the best universities in Canada as it offers more than 120 career-focused programs and courses across seven locations in Central Ontario (Barrie, Midland, Muskoka, Orangeville, Orillia, Owen Sound, and South Georgian Bay). Georgian College offers academic upgrading, apprenticeship training, certificates, diplomas, graduate certificates, college degrees, and university programs (including combined degree-diplomas), and part-time studies in various areas.

    Programs and Courses at Georgian College for International Students

    • Automotive Business
    • Business and management
    • Community safety
    • Computer studies
    • Design and visual arts
    • Engineering technology and environmental studies
    • Health, wellness, and sciences
    • Hospitality, tourism and recreation
    • Human services
    • Indigenous studies
    • Liberal arts
    • Marine studies
    • Skilled trades.

    If you want to apply for a program/course at Georgian College, you can download the international student application form from the university website to start your application process. Once you receive your application confirmation at Georgian College, there is even a counselor assigned to your program and they can help with everything from academic issues, to personal concerns as well as helping with career indecision.

    Canadore College

    Canadore College - Top Colleges in Canada

    A college of applied arts and technology, Candore College is located in North Bay, Ontario, Canada. The college has four campuses in North Bay, Ontario, and one in Parry Sound, Ontario. Canadore has a full-time enrolment of 3,500 students.

    Any international student meeting the college’s admission and English proficiency requirements can apply for the desired program. To find out if seats are available for the desired program, you can contact us through our website. Since some programs are highly competitive, limited seats may be available for international applicants. Priority is given to the Canadian students. Canadore College offers more than 65 full-time post-secondary programs, focused in several key academic sectors.

    Programs and Courses at Canadore College for International Students

    • Aviation technology
    • Business and management
    • Community justice and police studies
    • Culinary arts
    • Environmental studies and Biotechnology
    • Health, human care, and wellness
    • Indigenous studies
    • Language
    • Access and preparatory studies
    • Media, design, and dramatic arts
    • Sport and recreation
    • Trades and technology.

    Canadore College is home to 31,522 full- and part-time students at the undergraduate and graduate levels in 65-degree programs in more than 50 academic disciplines. With an average annual cost of attendance of 42,000 CAD, the school has a robust annual scholarship budget of over 24 million CAD, making the school one of the Canadian universities with the most generous scholarship and bursary programs. Canadore College stands #130 among colleges in Canada and has the highest graduation rate in Ontario, Canada. 

    Lambton College

    Lambton College - Top Colleges in Canada

    Located in the Ontario province of Canada, Lambton College was established in the year 1969. The college has a Centre for Excellence in Energy & Bio-Industrial Technologies. Lambton College has a total student population of around 10,000 students studying on-campus or online. Approximately 3,500 students are enrolled full time out of which 500 are international students. The college offers programs in healthcare, technology, applied arts, business management, etc.

    With a full-time student population of around 3,500 enrolled in various programs at Lambton College, it becomes a site of diversity, comfort, support and growth for students from across the globe. The institute is renowned for its extraordinary research facilities and also has an international campus in China.

    Admission to Lambton College ensures a world-class education for its aspirants at a low tuition and living cost. It also provides its applicants with practical world experience and skills to maximize chances at employability.

    Programs and Courses at Lambton College for International Students

    • Graduate Certificate A.I. and Machine Learning
    • Diploma in Business Accounting
    • Diploma in Business Administration
    • Diploma in International Business
    • Graduate Certificate in Business Management – International Business
    • Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security and Computer Forensics
    • Graduate Certificate in Computer Software and Database Development
    • Graduate Certificate in Hospitality Management

    Confederation College

    Confederation College - Top Colleges in Canada

    Established in the year 1967, Confederation College is a provincially funded college of applied arts and technology in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. The college serves an area of approximately 550,000 square kilometers. It is the only public college servicing Northwestern Ontario.

    With highly-trained instructors, smaller class sizes, and a dynamic learning environment, the college offers practical, hands-on programs and courses that will give you the skills, knowledge, and confidence you need to succeed.

    The main campus is situated on 130 acres of park-like property located right in the heart of the city of Thunder Bay, Ontario. Along with the main campus in Thunder Bay, the college also has eight regional campuses located across northwestern Ontario, in the communities of Dryden, Fort Frances, Kenora, Geraldton, Marathon, Red Lake, Sioux Lookout, and Wawa.

    Programs and Courses at Confederation College for International Students

    • Aviation
    • Business
    • Community Services
    • Natural Resources
    • Engineering Technology
    • Preparatory Studies
    • Health
    • Protective Services
    • Hospitality & Tourism
    • Skilled Trades

    Global Ranking of Top Colleges in Canada for International Students

    SNCollegesImpact RankOpenness RankExcellence Rank
    1Cambrian College498976197217
    2Fanshawe College276176197217
    3Seneca College172868687217
    4Humber College150067057217
    5George Brown College179473127217
    6Sheridan College198149467217
    7Red River College353976197217
    8Northern Light College662676197217
    9Sault College659276197217
    10Centennial College179864657217
    11Loyalist College646776197217
    12NorQuest College568276197217
    13Georgian College295576197217
    14Canadore College609276197217
    15Lambton College471576197217
    16Confederation College515476197217

    Why Study in Canada?

    One of the most common reasons behind international students choosing to study in Canada is its world-class colleges and universities. Also, Canada offers the best education at very affordable fee structure. Since there are hundreds of colleges and universities, you can choose any one that fits your budget and subject of interest. But, it should also be noted that the fee structure for international students is always higher than that for the nationals.

    Along with affordable fees, Canada also provides various scholarship programs to international students. If you want to study in Canada from Nepal, but don’t have the financial resources for the same, you can apply for various scholarship programs. The scholarship programs provided to international students are non-repayable financial rewards. They are granted to students with outstanding academic achievement.

    Canada is also considered to be the safest place in the world. The country faces very low crime rates and cases of racial discrimination. Statistics by Numbeo reveal that Canada’s safety index (62.42) is much higher than the safety indices of other popular study-abroad destinations such as the US (49.99), UK (57.9), and Australia (57.94). Also, students studying in Canada claim that the country has a very safe environment for students.

    Canada also provides work permits to international students studying in Canada with a Canadian student visa. With this, you can work to support your daily expenses. International students studying in Canada with a Canada study permit are eligible to work up to 20 hours per week during school terms and full-time (30 hours/week) during college/university vacation.

    Conclusion: Top Colleges In Canada For International Students

    If you are planning to be in Canada from Nepal, do contact the Canadian Study Center. We will help you in finding the best college for you depending on the program of your interest and budget. If you have any other queries regarding study and work in Canada, please feel free to schedule a consultation meeting with us. We’ll guide you in the right direction. Our services include visa counseling, application processing, test preparation classes, documentation guides, and pre-departure orientation sessions. We will also assist you in finding a suitable province in Canada as per your program, interest, and attachments. We provide specialized visa counseling services for students willing to study in Canada from Nepal.

    FAQs for Top Colleges In Canada For International Students

    What are the top Colleges in Canada according to international ranking matric?

    Top Colleges in Canada according to international ranking matric are:
    Cambrian College
    Fanshawe College
    Seneca College
    Mohawk College
    Centennial College

    Which one is better, Canadian Universities or Canadian Colleges?

    If you have sufficient funds then we’d recommend you enroll in Canadian Universities otherwise Canadian Colleges are not inferior by any means.


    Do You Want To Study in Canada?